Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Breaking of A Covenant

     Being a writer, sometimes you are led to write about controversial topics or issues. A guy whom I look up to who is a public figure (and writer as well) said something via Twitter that has stuck with me. He said: "I do not like the term aspiring writer. If you write, then you are a writer." I take writing and the topics I talk about very seriously. My decision to write about this controversial topic came to me at a moments notice while I was in the middle of writing another piece. I credit my mother with teaching me the importance of having thick skin--something I've also heard that you need to possess being a writer. I will share my view with you in a way that hopefully you'll see as articulate and to the point.
     We live in a society that is constantly moving forward in every sense of the word. So much so, that, I feel we have compromised many foundations and morals that I feel are sacred. Let me just go ahead and put it plainly now. I strongly oppose same-sex marriage! And no matter how hard you try, I will not--let me say that again-- I WILL NOT budge in my beliefs regarding same-sex marriage, or, homosexuality as a whole. I realize that me openly voicing this to some of you will not sit well. We all have varying opinions and views, so we're bound to disagree at some point. It takes courage for one to stand firm in their beliefs when society says you should feel another way. Before I go any further, let me say that I do not hate, dislike, or am I homophobic towards gays. Nor do I encourage hate, dislike, bullying, or violence against gays. I will lend my support to a person who is gay getting treated with hate and violence before I stand next to a heterosexual individual who encourages hate and violence towards gays. I have actually formed frienships and bonds with people who are homosexual despite our obvious differences. Here is why I am writing about this now: Last week, New York's state Assembly approved a same-sex marriage bill. It now must go to the Senate to be voted on. I'm sure some of you are saying to yourselves that people should have the right to be with anybody they please. I will agree to disagree with you. Why do I feel so strongly? Simply put, I am a Christian! And if you're a Christian, you should feel exactly as I do. In Leviticus 18:22 the scripture reads: "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." That scripture comes from the New International Version of the Bible. Seems pretty clear cut to me. But if you need more scripture, read Ephesians 5:22-33.
     At this point, some people are thinking one of two things: 1) the Bible speaks against more than just homosexuality 2) I'm not big into religion, or, I do not believe in God. To deal with the first point. You get no argument from me concerning what the Bible speaks against. I'm addressing homosexuality/same-sex marriage because it is such a hot topic in society. As for people not believing in God or being big into religion--the Lord is my Savior, and Jesus Christ died for my sins. I will stand true to this even if an army of weapons were pointed at me with the intention to influence me otherwise. I'll leave it at that.
     My stance on this issue is slowly but surely becoming unpopular, and is being met with disdain and ire. A few days ago, former New York Giants football player David Tyree (Super Bowl XLII hero), came under scrutiny because of his comments on his opposition of same-sex marriage. He stated that "legalizing same-sex marriage would result in anarchy, and would mark the moment society loses its grip with what's right." Although I think his use of the word anarchy was a bit harsh (which he later admitted as being harsh as well, but still stands behind his statement and beliefs), I still stand and applaud him. Like I stated before, it takes a person with courage to stand firmly in their beliefs. Especially when your view is increasingly becoming unpopular. I feel that many public figures are compromising what they truly believe for the sake of popular opinion. Many (if not all), public figures successes are attributed to how the public views them. This is most notably true with musicians, actors, athletes, and politicians. One wrong statement can cause an entire group to alienate , or, pull back their support for a particular person or cause. Musicians can lose listeners of their music, politicians can lose votes, and athletes can lose endorsement contracts.
     Do you remember the comments actor Isaiah Washington made while he was on the show Grey's Anatomy? In short, he called a fellow cast member a "faggot." There's more to the story which he explained on Larry King. I'm sure you can youtube it to see what he said. I don't condone the use of that word to anybody, let alone gays. And because of Washington's use of that word, it cost him greatly. He was fired from an extremely successful show, and his career as an ascending actor took a significant hit.
     One thing that absolutely vexes me is for someone to proclaim the word of God, only to look like a hypocrite by the life that they lead. I mean this for the word of God as a whole, not just the issue of homosexuality. I know, and know of people who proclaim the word of God, but, support homosexual lifestyles, or, lead one themselves. I challenge anyone to show me any passage in the Bible where homosexuality, or, the union of same-sex couples is pleasing in the sight of God. My pastor in California, Dr. Claybon Lea Jr. once said in a sermon of his: "People have a way of twisting and turning what the word says to accomodate them and their situations." Speaking of pastors and the church. I harbor disappointment with those who omit preaching about homosexuality because they know that some are in their congregation. Why do some omit this topic in church? My guess is they don't wanna lose members, or, potential members.
     Allow me to illustrate to you another way why I feel God in no way shape or form intended for same sex-sex relationships/marriage. Keep an open mind as you read this. It starts with one simple word--procreation. If for some reason men and women were separated without the ability or means to physically contact each other, what do you think would happen to mankind? I'm sure some of you are thinking that would never happen, and if it did, we have the technology to procreate still. Take that out of the equation because that is man-made. I'm talking about procreation in the purest form. If God's intention was for same-sex relationships/marriage to exist, he would've provided both sexes with the ability to carry children and have the ability to provide sperm (the male reproductive cell) alike.
     Many will argue that God blessed us with the ability to create ways for same-sex couples to have children. Once again, I'll agree to disagree. Truth is, just because we can do it (whatever it is), or, have the ability to do it, doesn't mean it's pleasing in the sight of God. If you remember in the Book of Genesis, the Lord's heart was filled with pain, and he was saddened that he made man because of his wickedness. So much saddened was the Lord, he decided to wipe mankind from the Earth. All except Noah (whom had favor in the Lord's eyes) and his family. Read Genesis Chapter 6 if you don't believe me.
     People have asked me before how would I feel if one, or, both of my sons confessed to me that they're gay. To be honest, I would be extremely hurt and saddened. But they are still my children, and I could never turn my back on them. Nor could I turn my back on any family member or friend who might "come out" to me about their sexual orientation. My life has been far from perfect, and I'm sure I have more mistakes to make. One thing that I've been blessed with though, is quality people in my life who help bring proper perspective. When I have struggled with things in my life, or, was just plainly doing things wrong, certain individuals were placed in my life to encourage me to read the word of God. For every situation we encounter, there is instruction on how to deal with that situation in the word. And I will continue to lean on God's word. I will borrow a line from the movie "Bad Teacher." A young kid was arguing with an adult that Lebron James is better than Michael Jordan. The grown up replied, "call me when Lebron gets six rings." The kid replied, "is that your only argument?" The man then emphatically replied with, "THAT'S ALL THE ARGUMENT I NEED SHAWN!" I say that to say...if you ask me if God's word against same-sex marriage is my only argument, I will reply with: "The Creator of ALL Creators says that it is detestable, and that's all the argument I need."
Now that I have said all of that--I still love you all--homosexual and heterosexual alike. You are all my brothers and sisters even if we have different views or lifestyles. The real question you still love me?


  1. I think you have a valid opinion. As long as you are not using your views to promote negativity towards people whom have different views or live a different lifestyle than you. You are entitled to your own opinion and belief as are others. But at least you are openly honest about it and elaborate on your opinion. It takes a big person to overlook something that is undesirable to them and not treat people differently accordingly. Great read!!

  2. Very well said...very well put! I appreciate the scripture references. Although those that disagree of course find ways to misconstrue the word. HIS WORDS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, & FOREVER MORE! I will say I appreciate you going there; for what it's worth you don't stand alone. I stand with you. I stand w/ love in my heart for all men & women (regardless of sexual preference), but I don't stand up for same-sex relationships/marriage.
