Friday, June 3, 2011

We See You Ms. Independent: Say It Proud But Not Too Damn Loud

     It's been said many times before, and I'm going to reiterate it now.  There is nothing like the wrath of a woman scorned.  Treat a woman wrong, or, get on her bad side and she can become cold, distant, and sometimes downright vicious.  Even with this quality, I will forever love the ladies and sometimes the ladies love me (this would be the moment where I insert lol). So with that said, I will do my best to err on the side of caution, but, keep it real at the same time.  Now that I've got that out of the way.  Let's go!
     The meteoric rise of all women across the world is not only admirable, it's inspiring as well.  Women have overcome sexism, racism among other obstacles to get to where they're at today.  Women have turned the corner from solely being homemakers and caregivers, to becoming successful business owners, CEO's of companies, top executives, judges, and the list goes on.  With the talents and the guidance God has blessed them with, these things are attainable.  Not to mention some hard work as well.  Some even have the stressful task of taking care of a family at the same time.  Then you have the woman with no kids, no man, and certainly doesn't need the help of one.  I respect all of you ladies for your hard work and independence.  I stand and applaud you all!  Why wouldn't I?  I come from a family full of independent women, married and single.
     I'm sure the fellas whom are reading this are saying to themselves, "ok Craig, get it in already!" Here is where my disconnect comes with just a few of you "Ms. Independent's" out there.  The constant need for some of you to constantly jump on an imaginary bullhorn to proclaim to the world that you're independent has become monotonous.  When you're out there "doing your thang" being a mover and shaker, trust when I tell you that people notice.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your independence.  Just don't constantly beat the world over the head with that "I'm independent stick."  I'm sure many of you just like me see or hear it all the time.  Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, or, in the "street."  I'm tired of  logging onto Facebook and constantly seeing a repeat of this:  "I don't need no man," or, "I got what I got on my own!"  Then there's your classic line of, "men ain't shit!"  REALLY!  This usually comes from the woman who is in the club every week looking for love in all the wrong places.  It kills me when some women slander a whole group (men) because of the few experiences that they've encountered.  I know my fair share of men and women who aren't about anything.  It's applicable to the few who are deserving of it.  Trust me, it goes both ways, but, I would never generalize an entire group because of whatever it is that I've been through.
     If you remember, I stated earlier that I come from a family full of independent women.  Some of the profession's by the women in my family include:  business owner, bank executive, retired educator, employee of the government, executive in the fast food industry, health care worker, and my own mother is a Human Resources Manager.  We also have future designers and pharmacists on the horizon from the younger generation of women in my family.  Yet, I have once to hear any of these hardworking women get on a soap box and proclaim what they can do without the help of a man, or anybody for that matter.  Why would they have to?  To me it's obvious that they can accomplish anything that they want to.
     At this point I'm probably getting a couple witnesses from the ladies while the rest of you are probably giving me the side eye.  I'm fine with that because ultimately I know that my intention is to give credit to those who are only to be noticed because people genuinely notice you and admire you.  Not because you self promote yourself as "Ms. Independent."  To be honest, I and to men like me do not find your self promotion sexy at all!  Now I'm speaking for myself when I say this:  I don't care if you're Stacey Dash pretty and Beyonce fine, I will run like hell if you start talking all that foolishness around me.  Speaking of Beyonce, I'm pretty sure that Jay-Z realizes that there's nothing he can do that Beyonce can't do for herself.  So whenever they have a marital spat (trust me, even they have them too), the line "negro I don't need you (most likely said another way)!" Is a complete waste of time and breath.
     Let me also put it out there that I realize that there are men out there who can't handle independent women.  Most of them can't because of these three main reasons:  1) he can't handle her opinionated ways 2) he can't handle her success and how much money she makes 3) he has a primitive way of thinking.  When you encounter this type of man, just keep it moving because it's highly unlikely that the two of you will ever be on the same accord.
     I pray that more women become independent by the day because let's face it, it's the year 2011.  I pray that men are able to push egos aside and accept the fact that women are moving at a rapid pace.  Also, let me say that just because you can get your nails and hair done by yourself doesn't make you independent.  And I don't care what Drake says, it damn sure doesn't mean that you're fancy!  It takes a little bit more then that.

1 comment:

  1. This is a woman who agrees with you. I have had times in my life when I have had to be independent out of neccessity and it is lonely! Don't get me wrong being independent is great, knowing that you don't need a man's support is awesome. But wanting a man's companionship is something totally different. There has to be balance for an independant women to be able to hold on to a relationship. One compromise is realizing that she can't do "everything" by herself.
