Friday, January 25, 2013

Why We (Men) Are Turning Our Women Into Us

      Let me start off by saying Happy New Year to you all.  I pray that 2013 brings you much more joy, happiness, love and blessings than 2012 did.  I pray that God does the amazing for you and your families.  Most importantly, I pray that you remain humble and faithful through these blessings.  This is OUR year!  Now, with that being said -- lets go!
     Unless you've been hiding under a rock or you have just been going about your days with your eyes closed; you should notice that modern women (for the most part) are nothing like modern women of years ago.  Almost in every area or characteristic, women of today are vastly different than their predecessors.  From a woman's walk, talk, demeanor, drive, inspiration, morals and even woman's sexual drive and ambition.  If you take the time to assess it; many women have essentially become, well, men on many different levels.  This, of course, is not an indictment of all women.
     If you've read some of my blogs you would know that I like to observe the social network sites to see what the people are talking about -- to see what matters to all of you out there.  I always seem to get more from the females than the males.  Women tend to bare their souls and be more open than men do.  In no way am I just speaking from the social networking point of view.  I mention the social networking sites because it gives me insight and access to people all over the world.  I'm not just limited to my daily contact with people here in Jacksonville, FL.
     If you observe women of today (whether you're a man or woman) you will notice these things:  many women are afraid of commitment (relationship wise).  Many women are willing to commit to JUST sexual relationships-- nothing more -- nothing less.  Many women value money and the ability to buy material things over other tangible things.  Many women love to smoke weed and drink alcohol.  Now, I'm not about to go into the whole debate about whether weed should be legalized or not.  I see many women on the social networks talking about getting high and drunk more than I see the men do.  Many women that I know have noticed these same things.  I have one basic reason as to why women act this way.  It all boils down to us men.  We, in a sense have created us in them (women).  I have a theory as to why it is this way.  Please hear me out -- I believe that I may be on to something here.
     One thing in this world that we all love to do is listen to music.  No matter where you're from or what race or ethnicity you are -- music is a part of your life.  As Americans, music is definitely huge within our society.  Two of the more popular genres of music are rap/hip-hop and r&b -- not just in this country -- but in the world as a whole.  Rap, in general, has created a culture that is mostly imitated globally.  Men are mostly rappers but millions and millions of women know and love rap music.  If you know me, you know that I love rap and hip/hop music -- that is, certain rap and hip/hop.  It is definitely in a much different place than when I grew up.  I see and know of women who enjoy this type of rap music more than some men.  Yes, the same rap music that is demeaning to women in many aspects of its content.  The same rap music that places material things and money over women.  There is a saying in the rap community -- M.O.B. -- that's money over bitches.  We all know that many rappers refer to women as bitches -- and in turn, many women refer to themselves as bitches.
     Music is largely influential and rap music is probably the most influential of them all.  Even r&b has changed a lot.  This is not your mom and dad's r&b.  There is no Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Barry White, The Whispers or even a Babyface in sight.  There was once a time when women, for the most part, cared about being romanced by a man.  Now, you have Trey Songz aka Mr. Steal Yo Girl aka Mr. I'm about to dive in.  I'll let you imagine what he means by 'diving in.'  Not that there isn't any good music being made today; that would be a false statement by me -- music is just in a different place.  These singers and rappers aren't talking about love in their music.  And I don't want to hear that's not what rappers do.  Yes they do!  When I was growing up, LL Cool J had a song called 'I Need Love' -- and it was a hit!
     We (men) once made music that moved women to want to be loved.  Now our music inspires women to smoke weed, drink liquor, have meaningless sex and want to become twerkers.  Twerking is booty shaking, for those that don't know.  Even what some call r&b these days talk about the aforementioned things that rappers talk about.  Matter of fact -- a lot of r&b singers today want to be rappers.  There was once a time when r&b singers sang about love, getting married and having a family with that one woman that they loved.  Now many 'sing' about which woman they're trying to take home.  We (men) are giving them different inspirations as opposed to um, twenty years ago.
     Of course music is not the only reason why women are turning into us.  Women are only reciprocating what we have given them.  What do you mean, Craig?  Thanks for asking.  Can I keep it real with you?  For years we (men) haven't given our women all of us.  How many times have we not been ready for commitment?  How many times have we cheated on our women?  How many times have we placed jobs and/or money over our women?  How many times have we just seemed not to care?  I know some -- maybe most men are probably disagreeing with me right now.  How many times have you heard about a man doing a good woman wrong?  This story is played over and over -- a good, loving, caring and attentive woman sticks by a man who doesn't reciprocate that same love, care and attentiveness.  This woman stays with this man so long that, that loving, caring, attentive and good woman dies inside and becomes something else -- now we're left with a woman whose heart and trust needs restoring.  So, moving forward, that woman figures the easiest thing to do is to act just as she was treated.  That way she doesn't have to worry about being hurt.  That way she doesn't have to worry about giving more than she will certainly receive.  Some women don't have to physically go through this -- they see friends and love ones go through it and they just eliminate all the hurt and pain by becoming us from the get go -- not giving anyone a chance to possibly hurt them.
     We men are the leaders.  We men are the heads of households.  We are supposed to set the example -- PERIOD!  Whether you believe it or not, women do follow us.  Some of us take our women to great places mentally, physically and spiritually.  Some of us, eh, not so much.  Where are you taking your woman? 

1 comment:

  1. I have to say...very on point. We are definitely on the same page with what you stated in this post. I truly agree that we live in a lost society where we are blinded by false needs/wants/ desires. Music is soooo infuential to our youth. It's terrible to view the comments/ pics on social media that gives the plain truth of where we are in this world. It's nothing short of ignorance. People only know what they are exposed to unless they are smart enough to look beyond what surrounds them. Rap music is nothing more than sex. money, drugs, hoes and "bitches". And this is what drives our society (sad but true). Men refer to women as "bad bitches" and this is a good thing?

    As far as women turning into men, yes, I see the truth in that. If a woman has any standards at all they will completely turn from this foolishness and live independantly instead of having to experience this. I was married for 13 year and when I came out of my marriage I was shocked at what I was faced with. Needless to say I have been single for 3 years now and in complete PEACE! I would rather be single and happy then in a comfortable relationship that serves no long term purpose. I want my girls to see a healthy relationship and what love should really be.

    It's a sad day when little boys and little girls are doing drugs, having sex and have no guidance other than what is being sung to them in a song...and this is what happens when there are no role models at home. I have 2 girls at home; 17 & 14 and I do everything I can to keep them stable, smart and informed.

    Thank you for that post. We need more men to be Men and more women to be Women. #Blessings
