Friday, August 2, 2013

Dear Mr. Out-of-Touch

     So I was on Facebook recently and I happened to come across the most ridiculous thing that I have ever read from an obviously out-of-touch individual.  It was a letter addressed from a Patrick J. Buchanan to President Barack Obama.  The origin of the letter begins like this:  "Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough.  But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation .. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to.... This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its grievances and demands heard.  And among them are these."
     Before I go on, I will say this:  When it comes to the issue of race in America, there does need to be a conversation -- several conversations because it has been a problem historically, and continues to be a problem in the now.  Everyone is entitled to their right of free speech -- therefore, I will exercise mine while responding to this asinine letter.
     Right off the bat, Mr. Buchanan displays his ignorance and how out-of-touch he really is -- I mean he didn't take long at all.  Here is the second part to his letter:  "First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known .. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American."
     Yes, this is Mr. Buchanan's actual words, not mine.  America has been the best country on earth for black folks?  WHAT!?  I kept reading this over and over to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me -- they became more ignorant each time that I read it.  But they were in front of my face and they were real.
     As you say, Mr. Buchanan, "America has been the best country on earth for black folks."  How did you come to that conclusion?  Here is the problem -- you immediately follow that up with "It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known."  Your absolute insensitivity and ignorance is paramount.  You bring up how African slaves were brought here to America and then try to justify what we as human beings -- let me say that again -- what we as HUMAN BEINGS are quote un-quote enjoying here in America.  So correct me if I'm wrong:  You justify the atrocities of your forefathers against my forefathers (slavery) by bringing up what the black race has grown to and what we now "enjoy in America"?  Our forefathers and descendants were forcibly taken from their homes and families to be shackled and cuffed on board ships to travel from the continent of Africa to the New World (North America).  Many died during this in-humane process -- yet we should be thankful, huh?  Should we be thankful for being forced into a life of bondage in which our people found themselves horribly oppressed for hundreds of years -- we should be thankful, huh?  Should we be thankful for the crimes that your people committed against our people like rape, murder, vicious assaults and stripping our people from their culture and families?
     According to you, Mr. Buchanan, because our "community has grown into a community of over 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known" -- we along with "Jeremiah Wright ought to go down to our knees and thank God to be Americans."  What if I said that you should go down to your knees and thank God for my people?  Why?  Because it was my forefathers who basically built this land -- a land that your forefathers stole from the Native Americans.  Why do you think that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade started?  It was because labor was needed -- thus, Africans were sought for this labor -- to build this land however "master" saw fit.  And your notion that we were introduced to Christian salvation is ridiculous as well.  Why don't you go and read up on African history.  You'll see that we (African-Americans) come from a rich and thriving culture.  Do you think that the slave masters taught the slaves how to sing and praise God after beating, lynching and denying us the right to learn how to read and write?  Africans were brought to this country with fundamentals and heritage already instilled in their hearts and souls from the mother land (Africa).  African slaves tried to preserve as much of their culture as possible.  So you can save that crap about we were introduced to Christian salvation stuff.
     You mention the fact that 600,000 "black people" were brought from Africa in slave ships.  First of all, do you know that they're called Africans and not black people?  Secondly, If you're going to bring this "fact" to the table then tell the whole story.  Historian, Patrick Manning, a Professor of World History at the University of Pittsburgh estimates that more than 18 million were forcibly taken from Africa to be enslaved.  Oh, Professor Manning is indeed a white American.  Yes, North America only received a small portion of slaves while places like the Caribbean and Brazil received the lion's share of slaves -- Brazil receiving the most.  Back to that number of 600,000 slaves being imported to North America.  Albeit that that number may be true, it still doesn't give an accurate count of how many people were ultimately enslaved here -- or anywhere else in the world, for it does not account for how many individuals were born into slavery here or any other place.  Do you think that 600,000 slaves were brought here and that was it?  No procreation or nothing?  Matter of fact, "master" made it a point to infuse his "white blood" into many of female slaves.  Many female slaves were designated for breeding purposes only.  Wikipedia doesn't tell you that, huh, Mr. Buchanan?  I've been researching the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade well before I came across your idiotic letter, sir.  Let me move on to the rest of your letter.  And here is how the rest of your shenanigan filled letter goes:
     "Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans.  Untold trillions have been spent since the '60's on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.  Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-aside quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.  Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.  We hear grievances.  Where is the gratitude??"
     Somebody please tell me that this guy isn't for real.  I guess not one single white American has ever received a dime of these untold trillions of dollars since the 1960's?  Earlier you referred to yourself as the silent majority -- meaning that white Americans are the majority in this country.  That is indeed true.  As of July this year (2013) the Census Bureau reports the population in the United States at roughly 316 million.  About 72% of that or about 223 million of our nation's population are white Americans.  Do you not believe that some or a significant portion of that percentage uses some type of government assistance?  How 'bout I ask you this:  Have you, or do you know anyone that has received a Pell Grant or a student loan?  I'm willing to bet that the answer is yes.  I take it that you believe that the government, or white people, felt the need to uplift blacks because ALL whites were thriving -- there have been no white person to suffer from poverty or economical inferiority.  Sense you are an out-of-touch individual, let me tell you that I expressed that using sarcasm.  The fact is that there are many whites that receive some kind of government aid or assistance -- don't be oblivious to that fact.
     Now let me get to what I really want to say regarding the last part to this letter.  This is where I will refer to you as Mr. Out-of-Touch -- and it hinges mostly upon one sentence.  You say that "no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans."  Excuse me!?  I'll argue that no other race has done more to bring down and try to get rid of the black race than white Americans.  The misdeeds of your people against my people have not been expunged -- nor will it ever be.  How dare you say that when it was your people that enslaved my people here in America?  During that time your people denied my people of basically every human right possible.  It was your people that treated my people as dirt, trash, sub-human and felt as if your people were superior than my people.  It was your people that made it unlawful to teach Africans, or black slaves in general how to read and write for that they knew that education and knowledge was empowerment -- empowerment that slaves would use to free themselves of your forefathers oppressive handcuffs.  Is that what you call uplifting?  Even when we assess race relations in more modern times, how can you bring yourself to say that?  What do you think that African-Americans were fighting for during the Civil Rights era?  Who let dogs loose and turned fire hoses on blacks as they marched peacefully for their rights?  Who tried to keep America segregated for as long as possible -- especially schools and neighborhoods.  Who posted "No Coloreds" signs outside their stores, restaurants and businesses?  It wasn't blacks.  Who had to fight to get into white schools because there you could receive a decent education?  In turn, whites fought hard to keep blacks out of white schools.  Who terrorized black families while concealing their identities while dressed in white hoods and sheets -- otherwise known as the Ku Klux Klan which is still alive today.  I haven't even mentioned the word nigger -- a word that was/is meant to de-humanize African-Americans.  So your quote un-quote "no people anywhere has done more to uplift blacks than white Americans" statement is a bunch of you-know-what to me.
     When I think of uplifting, I think of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, just to name a few among many blacks and Africans throughout history who have made their life's work to uplift their people -- and all of mankind, for that matter.  If you don't believe me, do some research on Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
     You, Mr. Out-of-Touch, equate uplifting with government assistance.  I equate uplifting with empowering people from within -- that is something that doesn't come stamped in the mail from some government agency -- but is given from one human being's mind, body and soul to another human being.  Giving people inspiration and hope is true uplifting.  When I think of Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Judge who was a successful lawyer prior to that -- that is uplifting to me.  When I think about Dr. Rameck Hunt, Dr. Sampson Davis and Dr. George Jenkins -- three black doctors from Newark, NJ I think of uplifting.  All three of these men grew up together in public housing, or "the projects" and attended high school and college together.  They made a pact that they would help each other get through school -- all the way through medical school.  All three are now doctors, public speakers and authors.  THAT is what you call uplifting, Mr. Out-of-Touch.  Why is this more uplifting than your examples of government assistance?  I'm glad that you asked.  It is no secret that many blacks all across this country live in low income areas that are littered with drugs and violent crime on a daily basis.  Many of our youth and adults feel succumbed to this trap called the ghetto, or the hood.  These three gentlemen offer true and living proof that you can make it no matter what your situation is.  Their story is inspirational because many come from the exact same circumstance as them.  It procreates the attitude "if they can do it, so can I."  That, Mr. Out-of-Touch, is uplifting.
     You go on to allude that blacks are getting more opportunities than whites when it comes to school.  Your response to Barack Obama's statement about creating 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks was as follows:  "Let him go to Altoona?  And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids...?"  That whole illustration is laughable!  The notion that you would imply that blacks are being handed more scholarships than white kids is an irresponsible statement -- and to Ivy League schools of all places!  It is irresponsible because you are misleading people with inaccuracy and ridiculous statements that are baseless and simply not true.  How 'bout you go to predominantly black schools and ask how many Ivy League recruiters have gone to hand out scholarships to 'deserving' black kids then get back to me.
     Finally you talk about crime -- black-on-white crime to be more specific.  Before I respond to that, let me say that I do not condone any violence in any form whether it be black-on-black crime, black-on-white crime, white-on-black crime or white-on-white crime.  You gave some statistics about black-on-white crime.  I'll make no apologies when when I say that I don't trust your stats.  And I've come to this conclusion just based off of your ridiculous letter that I'm currently responding to.  But let me key in on one stat that you gave about black-on-white rape.  You say "is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse" -- or so they say.  No, I'm not saying that black-on-white rape doesn't occur.  What I am saying is this:  Are you aware that no other has falsely accused black men of rape more than white females?  And that continues right now in 2013.  Your stats, in my opinion, are heavily skewed because of how many black men who have been falsely accused of raping a white female -- some have been exonerated -- many haven't.  14 year old Emmett Till was brutally murdered because he allegedly whistled at a white woman.  You like to use google, right, Mr. Out-of-Touch?  I want you to google "innocent black men accused of raping white women" and tell me what you find.  You gave two examples of rape cases in which black women falsely accused white men of rape.  I can write a book about white women falsely accusing black men of rape.  I'll tell you quickly why white women are most likely to accuse black men of rape:  Many white females, teenagers especially, do not want their fathers to know that they're having a relationship with a black man.  I can't tell you of how many cases that I've read and heard about where teenage white females claimed that a black boy raped them because they didn't want their father to know that they were having sex with a black boy -- because they knew that their father would disapprove if they found out the truth.
     There is one more thing that I want you to google, Mr. Out-of-Touch.  I want you to google "Black Wall Street."  It will bring you to a major incident that is not talked about much -- an incident that happened on May 30, 1921 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  It was an incident where a 19 year old black shoe shiner named Dick Rowland was falsely accused of grabbing a 17 year old elevator operator.  The next day the black man was arrested -- but it was too late because a lynch mob had formed and out for some restitution.  They turned their anger toward the Greenwood section of Tulsa.  This is where many African-Americans were thriving.  It was home to African-American doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, businessmen and other prominent citizens --yes, our race produced these types of citizens before affirmative action and before white Americans came up with programs to help blacks get into the mainstream -- as you say.  Anyway, the outcome of this vicious mob included the complete destruction of the Greenwood section leaving an estimated 300 innocent blacks dead, 800 wounded, as many as 10,000 homeless and an estimated worth of $16 million in damages (in today's dollars).  You gave an example of the Jena 6 attacking a white male -- well here is my example of your people attacking my people.  How is that for white Americans uplifting black Americans?
     Let me address the black community for a moment:  This letter re-affirms a few things for me.  First, we still have so much ground to cover in regards to race relations in this country.  Second, there are many people who are out-of-touch just like Mr. Buchanan.  Third, and most importantly, as blacks, we need to build our own pathways and avenues -- empower our people to do better -- build our own businesses and become financially independent.  As is the case with our day-to-day relationships with friends and family -- when most people do something for you, many of them will always remind you of the fact that they did something for you.  People rarely do things for another out of the goodness of their heart these days.  That is why it's always best to do for yourself -- or ourselves in this case.  I mention this because Mr. Out-of-Touch mentioned all of the government assisted programs in which he feels that is his people's way of helping our people.
     Now, lastly to you, Mr. Out-of-Touch:  Your letter to Barack Obama proves something to me that I'm sure that you didn't think of -- more on that in a second.  You're being critical to a man (Obama) who is both black and white and was raised by his white mother, yet you came at him as if he was 100% black -- you know why?  Because as I have always stated -- it doesn't matter if your biological makeup is 25% black -- that percentage makes you 100% black in the world's eyes.  You don't see President Obama as half white half black -- you see him as a black man.  Now who is the one that needs to have a conversation about race, Mr. Out-of-Touch?


  1. Absolutely LOVE this!!! I can't even believe the level of ignorance indicated by the writer of this letter! This is absolutely outrageous! I love that your INTELLIGENT response has FACTS to back up your points!! This man ought to be ashamed of himself writing such garbage. The sad part is that there are probably many like himself that share this same mentality, walking around acting and treating those of color as if they "owe" them something. I find it sad that people can have such "simple" minds!!! And I find this mentality completely preposterous!

    Just a small point I'll add to this (in reference to your last point)....I did a presentation in a communications class while pursuing my undergrad degree. Long ago there was something called the "One Drop Rule" which is relative to the point you were making. Back in the day, "socitey" couldn't decide what you should "identify" as or what to "label" you as if you were "mulatto" (as they called it) or a half breed (bi-racial) so, they made a rule that if you had ONE drop of black blood, you were to be considered black. Most would try to conceal their true ancestry when it came to this rule as it was a determining factor in how people received/treated you, what you were or weren't allowed to do, and basically your "level" in society as a whole as clearly in that time, whites were considered "superior" to blacks (and sadly it appears this mindset still exists). What my whole presentation was about: the other six (or so) presidents we've had that had African ancestry, prior to Obama. According to research and to THAT rule, he is NOT the first black president. He is just the first "visually black" president and the only one that will/would openly identify with his heritage (publicly). #FoodForThought

  2. Thank you for always reading and giving me feedback, Kristi! Yes, sadly many do feel this way. I know so because I got this letter from Facebook and there were many people in agreement with this guy. Smh. It took everything in me not to cuss and get ignorant in this blog. Lol

  3. Brilliant Craig.its amazing how he can bring religion in his foolery. But the most important part of all this is we as a race will always have people like this mixing fact with fiction, until we stand on our on we will always have a bullseye on our back
    Great piece keep up the good work
