Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Bad Bitch Mentality

     With a blog like this, I feel that it is necessary for me to use language that I don't normally use within my blogs.  If I don't, it won't come off as real or sincere in my opinion.  My main objective with my blogs is to come off as real and concise as possible, while trying to give you quality opinions that are laced with factual content as well.
     Throughout history, we as African-Americans developed an adept quality at turning what was meant to be negative into positive--or so we think in some cases.  We have taken the word nigger and flipped it to nigga.  When we use nigga among each other, it's like a term of endearment.  "That's my nigga."  Translation:  That's my homeboy, or, we're cool.  Essentially the same thing has been done with the word bitch.
     In every dictionary that I searched, the word bitch is simply described as a female dog.  I'm sure that all of you knew that, though.  And just like the word nigger, or nigga, people don't take too kindly to anyone just calling them a bitch--especially women.  And nor should they welcome it with open arms either.
     It's 2012, and we suddenly have an over-abundance of "bad bitches" walking around in communities across America.  How that term came about, and when it came about eludes me.  Of course there is a criteria that makes you a bad bitch.  I think the term is ridiculous myself.  But apparently the women who refer to themselves and others as bad bitches think it's appropriate.  To be fair, I blame rappers and rap culture for trying to emulate pimp culture within their music for this misuse of the word.  A lot of rappers have been calling women bitches and ho's for years now.  Many young men (and grown men) think it's okay to refer to women by those names.  With that said; it's up to women to determine what they answer to and what they deem acceptable to be called.
     There are apparently two categories of "bitches" in which they are classified.  Just to let you know, I only care about one classification, and it doesn't contain the word bitch in it.  Those two categories are:  Basic bitches and bad bitches.  Yes, ridiculous I know.  I only care about real women.
     Since this is "The Bad Bitch Mentality" blog, we're going to highlight her for a moment.  There are certain things (according to bad bitches) that make you a bad bitch.  I'll do my best to appropriately set them apart from the basic bitch.  A bad bitch values these things highly:  Money, clothes, hair and nails being done at all times, and her pussy.  Yep, you heard me right--her pussy.  A bad bitch will boast about the aforementioned on a daily basis.  To her, this sets her apart from the basic bitch.  A bad bitch will tell you how she rocks Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin (with the red bottoms), Gucci, and Gesuppies on a regular.  She'll keep an appearance as if she's flawless at all times.  She'll post pics of how much money she has on social networking sites with a caption like:  "I only do what bad bitches do" or some other ridiculous statement.  And a bad bitch will boast how no other woman has good pussy like her.  She'll even brag about how your man (any random man) is thinking about her, and how you would never be able to fuck him like her.  She'll say ridiculous things like:  "No other bitch's pussy can stay wet like mine, or no other bitch can give head like me."  I swear I can't make this up.  I see it every day on these social networking sites.  It doesn't stop there.  A bad bitch will say things to her man like:  "You have never, and will never fuck a bitch like me.  Occaisionally the bad bitch will throw in how she takes care of her kids and that she doesn't need no nigga for shit.  Blah blah BLAH!  As far as I'm concerned, useless info.  If you honestly think that within this world, no other woman can do the things that you do sexually, let me be the first to tell you that they're women that can do all those things and more!
     Let me tell you something, Ms. Bad Bitches all over the world:  There are plenty of bad bitches with great pussy getting cheated on right now.  The nerve of you to believe that no other woman on earth can do what you can sexually is a bit far-fetched.  I, and many mature men like myself can give two shits about you, and what your pussy can do!  I'm so sincere when I say this.  If these are the things that make you who you are, then I will gracefully decline.  Bad bitches place "things" in high regard.  Nothing really of substance.  Don't get me wrong; having things and possessing the ability to get them is nice.  We all like nice things.  But there's wealth in so much more.  If you base your worth on your money, your appearance, and your pussy; you are truly not worth having in my eyes.
      Before anyone gets it twisted, I think it's wonderful and a blessing to provide your family and yourself with the things that your heart desires. As hard as we work, we should be able to enjoy the spoils of life as a result from our hard work. I know plenty of people with wonderful and lavish things, men and women alike. You just would never know it by their demeanor. Their objective is not to constantly remind you or to make sure you know that they have it
      I would like to inform bad bitches of something else:  Classy and real women possess and have the ability to do what you do on a regular basis as well.  The difference between them and you is that they aren't boastful.  They also don't value things as you do.  Oh, they can get those name brand and designer things just as good as you!  But that will not make or break them, and it certainly won't be an every day priority.  And most importantly, she values her body.  See how I came with that when referring to classy/real women?  She doesn't boast about her sexual prowess, or ability to please her mate.  The proof is in the pudding, and nobody knows that type of info but her mate or past relationship partners.  Advertising is not her best asset.  Classy women value imputing education into their children.  Classy women yearn to further their relationship with God.  Classy women work in their communities and value the prosperity of their communities.  Classy women also love their men and taking care of their men--emotionally, mentally, and physically.  Some of you bad bitches may value these things.  If you do, I really can't tell from the image that you perpetrate.
     A few weeks ago I had to explain to my mother how you can't bring every woman home to momma.  My mom is the type that wants to meet every girl that you date.  I told my mom how that is a no bueno!  I think she understood, but then again, I know that my mom will always want to see every woman that her two sons are talking to.  One thing that my mom will never have to worry about is me bringing home a bad bitch.  Something about bringing home a bad female dog just doesn't sit well with me.  I salute you classy women all over the world--keep it classy!


  1. Now if this mentality can be duplicated we could kill the "Bad Bitch" & eventually the "Real Ass Nigga" and grow to classy women or ladies and gentlemen in the black community but it has to be you guys to demand it

  2. Very true! I agree with you...but I also believe in responsibility for one's self. With that said...many so-called men embrace this bad bitch persona. If we as a whole didn't accept it and demanded more then this would be a non-issue I believe. Thank you for reading and commenting as well!

  3. At some point women need to stop addressing themselves as Bitches. When I think of a Bitch I think of a female dog, who fucks in front of her children, stands on her hind legs, have ticks, and fucks a pack of others. When women refer to themselves as such I believe they have deeply rooted psychological problems. One term that comes to mind is "vanity". Great topic Nolas Child!!

  4. Very well said! I believe the media has a lot to do with it. Just think, no one would be referring to themselves as any of the above if it hadn't been mentioned in a song on the radio or in a video on television. Let's be honest. I'm not saying that the media is FULLY to blame but weak minded individuals who would rather follow "trends" instead of being a "trendsetter" are usually the ones that portray these images. And usually these are the people who need validation from others about who/what they are. Its sad if you ask me.

  5. Very true !! Thank you for addressing this situation . I have to agree with the issue of the media hyping up "bad bitches". Society is accepting whatever the media throws out . Bitches are nasty . Bad bitches sound just as bad . Great blog . Keep up the awesome work !
