Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do Men Know What They Want?

     If you're a fan, or a daily listener of Michael Baisden, then this subject matter sounds very familiar to you.  I'm taking a page from his series titled:  Do Women Know What They Want?  I'm just flipping it to give the opposite sex insight on what it is that us men want, need, and if we do know what it is that we want.
     As I watched the show, I noticed that when the question was posed to men and women alike, everyone agreed that women do know what they want.  Not one person said that women do not know what they want.  I'm sure--no, scratch that--I know that if that same question was about men, the majority of the people polled would've said that men don't know what they want.  In particular, women would've answered no more than men.  Why is that?  Do men really not know what they want?  If you ask me--more men know what they want then some of you give credit for.  Actually, I err on the side that men know what they want more than women.  Now, this is strictly about what men want in a woman, or, from a woman.
     I, and men that I know, know exactly what we want from women.  I'm not talking about young men barely over the age of 21 that's still trying to figure out their major in college.  In my opinion, by the time a man hits the age of 28, he should pretty much know exactly what it is that he wants and needs from a woman.  Not to say that some don't figure it out before then.  What women need to realize is that even though we're masculine and dominant figures, we're really not that complex.
     Listen up ladies, because I'm about to tell you what it is exactly that we want from our women.  Are you ready?  Okay, grab a chair.  We want a woman who is intelligent, has goals, willing to contribute.  We're not looking for a woman to make us rich.  We're not looking for a woman who will add material things to our life. But most of all--we want a woman to love us unconditionally.  Through thick and through thin--when times get rough and we is all we got.  Here's another little secret ladies; as much as we try not to let on, we (men) are emotional creatures and we need to feel validated at times just like you.  Listen to the song "Lost Without You" by Robin Thicke.  He is basically telling his woman how he wants her to show him how he makes her feel.  He wants to know how attracted she is to him.  Men want to know that his woman is still as attracted to him like she was when they first started dating.  Sound familiar?
     Everyone wants to feel appreciated for what they do or bring to the table.  Men are no different.  Just like women, men want an honest, loyal, and dedicated woman in his corner.  And regardless of what some may think, real men who are secure in themselves, are not intimidated by an independent woman.  Matter of fact, we encourage that!  No man (I know) wants a woman that can't stand on her own two feet when need be.  Some women have this idea that if you make your own money and have your own place then you're independent.  That's true in part.  Let me not get stuck on the independent woman.  Almost forgot that I have already written a blog about her.  Back to the matter at hand...
     Are there men out there who do not know what they want?  Of course!  There are women out there who do not have a clue as well.  This overwhelming notion that women know what they want more than men is ridiculous to me.  I'm not trying to come off as if I think that women don't know what they want, because I do think that they know--just not all of them.  Can anybody tell me what it is that Kim Kardashian wants?  How about Jennifer Lopez?  And what in the hell does Chilli from TLC want?  That leads me to my next point...A man will take a woman regardless of what she doesn't have, or, despite her situation.  A woman needs to know these things before she decides to go any further with a man:  Where does he work?  How much does he make?  What is his future earning potential?  Does he he have benefits?  Does he have kids?  What kind of car does he drive?  How big his penis is?  What is his credit score?  Not that none of these questions aren't relevant questions--my point is that a man will take a woman with not much to offer because he simply loves that woman before a woman would take a man with not much to offer.  No matter how much you (ladies) try to debate me on this, it won't work.  This is not to say that this is true for all women.  A few ladies that I follow on twitter have no jobs and don't go to school.  Yet, they tweet all day about what's on t.v. and what's going on in the entertainment world.  All of these women are in relationships.  Not that that proves my point totally--I'm just saying.
     I want a woman that has a personality that makes me smile when I'm not even around her.  I want a woman who knows how to give better than receive.  I want a woman who is not afraid to love me hard without hesitation.  I want a woman who is going to tell me what I need to hear when I need to hear it.  I want a woman who loves God with all of her soul.  I want a woman who is going to believe in me and when she walks with me, you can tell that she is proud of her man.  I want a woman who is going to peek my every interest.  I want a woman I can just lay with, and there is no sound but the raindrops on the window and our voices--talking about random things.  I want a woman who wants me because she sees my heart before she sees me physically. I best friend.